Managing Risks Related to Diagnostic Decision Making
The diagnostic decision-making process is complex, involving multiple systems, processes, healthcare team members and patients to ensure diagnoses are made timely and accurately. When there are “human” or “system” failures in this process, patients are at risk of harm or death. This presentation will address the “diagnostic error” concept, discuss the professional liability impact, address risk mitigation strategies, and present work underway to understand this important healthcare problem.
Featured Speaker
President, Healthcare Risk and Safety Strategies, LLC
Ann Gaffey is an industry-recognized career risk management, quality and patient safety professional with over thirty-five years of experience in healthcare, having served as the 2016 President of the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management. Ann provides innovative consultative services to healthcare organizations across the care continuum to develop, improve and enhance enterprise risk management and patient safety programs. She has a passion for leading organizational change, coaching and mentoring teams and individuals to lead effective and efficient enterprise-wide risk management programs.
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